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Discovering Myself


 Who else has spent the last few years, trying to "find themselves"? Lol. 


In high school I found myself following a common mindset to those around me; not doing my own research, not broadening my horizons, and not investing my time into myself.  


Then I went into college. . . studying a major I had no interest in doing, just to "do" something. NOT saying you should drop out of college! But why did I often allow outside thoughts to affect my decisions?


Why don't I increase the time I invest in myself, my passions, and my hobbies? Well, here I am, actively doing so! 


I was privileged to spend the last year traveling the world alone for the first time as a young adult. And WOW It completely changed my views on how I led my life, whom I surrounded myself with, and what I wanted my future to look like. So I'm creating this platform as a safe space, whether you need inspiration to follow your dreams, or you're just in search of an authentic read, welcome!


I'm so incredibly excited to be able to share this journey with a community of people who (hopefully) feel a connection to what I am chasing (I don't know).  


I have always been a people person. I just love the feeling of genuine human connection.

Do you ever have those wonderful little moments in time that make you have that ridiculous philosophical feeling of happiness or appreciation for one another? If you're wondering if I'm just "emotional" — well, no! If you get it you just get it.  


But Discovering Myself isn't just about the experiences that I have learned from in these past years. It's about the now. I'm always changing and evolving as a person and it's a wonderful, exciting, and sometimes painful process. I'm not usually this mushy, I promise.


Anyway, here's to the start of something new! Xoxo

Photos by Soraya Sefiane Coady

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    Welcome to my humble abode! Une Petite Gisel is a lifestyle blog serving you raw, 100%, authenticity. We aim to reach audiences of all ages and share the joys of relatability in unexpected ways. Thank you for reading. 

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